Pillars of Lifestyle Medicine
Episode Outline/Takeaways
80% of chronic diseases can be prevented using lifestyle
Lifestyle as medicine means using lifestyle to prevent and treat the chronic diseases (like cardiovascular disease) that are prevalent worldwide!
Lifestyle medicine is evidence-based—meaning it combines evidence with action.
Pillars of Lifestyle Medicine (and some resources to check out for each)
Physical Activity
Substance Use Cessation
Social Support
10% Happier App and Book by Dan Harris
Check out https://thenapministry.wordpress.com/ or on instagram
Stress Management
Check out the Calm, Headspace, 10% Happier or Insight Timer*
The pillars are all connected and integrated.
Episode Links and Resources:
Episode Corrections:
We called the Insight Timer app “Intention Timer.” Sorry about that Insight Timer!
NHANES study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31004146/