Finding Your Why
Jen and Sarah discuss what finding your “why” is and why (ha!) it is so important for behavioral change.
Episode Outline/Takeaways
Finding your “why” may be the most important step before we initiate behavioral change or new habits.
Your “why” can be about your faith, family, or even a cause or purpose (the options are endless).
Finding your “why” can be your motivation or anchor, or if you are more academic-minded—it can help you create your outline for making those changes!
Finding your “why” can also act as a speed bump against the behaviors that are not commensurate with who we want to be in our health.
Is there a wrong why asks a listener?
Yes and no. If your “why” is grounded in someone else’s desire for us or is a SHOULD, it probably will not be an anchor.
Internal vs. External motivation. External motivation is driven by some reward or consequence. Internal motivation is driven by our actual values and desires.
Getting started on finding your “why”:
Ask: what matters most to me?
Ask: what would happen if I made these changes/what would my life look like?
Ask: what would the version of me that I most want to be do in this situation?
Episode Links and Resources: