Wellness Visions

Episode Outline/Takeaways

  • We review the concept of your “Why” and go over some of our Whys!

  • Finding your why is important because it anchors you as you encounter obstacles.

  • A wellness vision is a compelling picture/summary of your  desired future self that is also grounded in your past successes.  

  • A wellness vision is a representation of your true desires for your health. 

  • Recipe for success for your wellness vision:

  • Being specific! 

    1. Keep it in the present! 

    2. Keep it positive! 

  • How to start a wellness vision:

  • Ask: If there were no constraints or obstacles, who would you be/who are you in your best health?

    1. Ask: If I waived a magic wand, what would your perfect health look like?

    2. You can write your wellness vision, draw it, or use a mind map (see link below).

  • The research and wellness visions: creating a wellness vision is an important step because clearly articulated goals are correlated with higher happiness and life satisfaction.  Also, having a vision of your best self enhances your well being.

  • People learn and grow in different ways-find the best way to craft your vision for YOU! 

Episode Links and Resources:

Create a mind map for your wellness vision: mindmeister.com




Finding Your Why